Assessment of and for Student Learning

The purpose of Assessment of and for Student Learning is for professionals to evaluate and measure their instructional content, methods, and delivery.  The goal is for teachers to accurately assess student learning.  Educators can accomplish this by measuring, collecting, and analyzing pertinent assessment data as well as creating detailed assignments with specific learning goals in mind.  Providing formative assessments, setting guidelines and rubrics, and consistently checking for understanding are all tangible ways a teacher can assess student learning.

Formative Assessments

Formative assessments are useful as I can assess which students have grasped information and which students might need extra help.  In the assignment below, I asked students to create an original advertisement.  The students identified their purpose, a specific audience, and their tone on the back of their ad.  I used this formative assessment to identify which students might need improvement in these areas.

[huge_it_slider id=”13″]

Guidelines & Rubrics

Creating specific guidelines and rubrics are essential for productive assessments.  Guidelines and rubrics aid teachers in assessing student work according to specific standards and objectives.  My Great Depression Podcast Rubric shows the requirements and goals I desired from my podcast project.

Checks for Understanding

In order to assess student learning, I check for understanding.  The various ways I check for understanding include formative questioning, exit slips, pre-assessments, and self-evaluations.  Below are the self-reported before and after results regarding student understanding of persuasive writing.

Pretest results indicating 11.5% of students were confident in persuasive writing.
Post-test results indicating 77.8% of students were confident in persuasive writing, a 66.3% increase.