Instructional Planning

The purpose of instructional planning is for teachers to use effective strategies, data, and resources to differentiated instruction in the classroom.  The goal of this standard is to engage students with instruction that meets their individualized needs.  Educators can obtain this objective by examining the Standards of Learning, utilizing Bloom’s Taxonomy when lesson planning, and specifically differentiating instruction such as utilizing text sets to meet the needs of students.

Standards of Learning

My primary goal when planning is to ensure that I am covering the Standards of Learning.  I consult with the Virginia Department of Education’s English Standards whenever I create lessons.  Evidence of this can be seen in my Madeline Hunter formatted plan for Persuasive Writing 2- Week Unit.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

I utilize Bloom’s Taxonomy when I create my lesson plans.  My goal is to move towards the higher levels of thinking by the end of my lesson or units.  Below are  objectives and Bloom’s Taxonomy levels that I have utilized when planning for my persuasive writing unit.

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Differentiated Instruction

Because every student is unique, I believe in individualized instruction.  Differentiating instruction can increase self awareness, engagement, and inspire a love of learning.  Text sets are a wonderful way to differentiate instruction.  After assessing their reading levels, students choose a book based on their Flesch-Kincaid reading ability.  I have created a collection of books, ranging from beginner to advanced reading levels, based on the “The Crucible” and the Salem Witch Trials –  “The Crucible” Text Set

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