Professional Knowledge

The purpose of professional knowledge is to ensure that teachers demonstrate a strong understanding of curriculum, their subject content, and the developmental needs of students.  The goal of this standard is for teachers to have a concrete foundation of their specific content area and a strong pedagogical understanding that enhances the breadth and depth of academic success for students. Teachers can display this standard by completing relevant learning opportunities, such as higher education courses, field experiences, and assessments required for teaching.

Content Area Knowledge

My degrees from James Madison University and Hollins University reflect my content area knowledge.  The classes I took increased my creativity, personal skills, content area knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge.  My undergraduate degree consisted of classes such as Working with Teenagers, Social Policy, and Human Behavior in the Social Environment.  The theatre classes I had the opportunity to take increased my creativity by challenging my improvisational skills and increasing my public speaking confidence.  These classes shaped my perspective on the system of education and how to work well with students.  Additionally, my graduate level courses increased my mastery of writing and literature with classes like Expository Writing and Children’s Literature.

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Pedagogical Knowledge

While at James Madison University, I interned at an academic/enrichment after-school program in Waynesboro, VA.  I mentored students, created two groups (study improvement and theatre), tutored students, and led a trip to Washington, D.C.  At Hollins University, I interned at William Fleming High School, completing a 125 hour clinic.  I had the opportunity to teach lessons and observe a outstanding 9th grade English teacher.  Additionally, I student taught at Cave Spring Middle School in Roanoke, VA.  I worked with 7th and 8th grade English students.  I observed different faculty and staff during my time and completed 12-weeks of student teaching practicum.  Both my collegiate classes and field experiences enhanced my pedagogical knowledge.  The classes I took that aided me include Reading in the Content Area and Technology Integration in the Classroom.  My field experiences allowed me to put into practice what I had learned.

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Below are my assessment scores for the Praxis II and VCLA.  These assessments show my competency in my content area, English.  My reading subset scores for the VCLA are particularly high, with a score of 287.