
The purpose of professionalism is to keep teachers accountable in the areas of ethics, communication, and professional growth.  The professionalism standard’s goal is to provide students with an effective learning and communicative environment facilitated by professional teachers.  Educators can achieve this objective by participating in professional organizations, educational development, and modeling professionalism.

Professional Organizations

I am apart of NEA and VEA.  These organizations provide support, guidance, and information to educators both nationally and locally.  I have used resources provided by the NEA/VEA and attended presentations sponsored by these two organizations in order to further my mastery in the arts of teaching.  Since I am passionate about theatre, I also partake in local theatre organizations.  I have been an actress in Hollins Theatre Department and at Showertimers Community Theatre.  My favorite productions have been Goodnight Moon, The Musical, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, & RENT.

Cast of Goodnight Moon, The Musical at Hollins University

Professional Development

I received certificates and have attended professional development workshops in order to increase my teaching expertise.  Below are a few of the certificates I have achieved:

Modeling Professionalism

I was honored to receive the Community Youth Program’s Teacher of the Year award.  I worked with two students, tutoring them in writing and reading.  I was consistently punctual and always provided support for my students.  I strive to model professionalism in all aspects of my life.